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Wednesday, October 9
7:00 pm - Celebrate Recovery
7:00 pm - Class - "Witnesses" in The Commons
Sunday, October 13
9:00 am - Bible Classes:
"Following Jesus" in Rm. 103
New Class -> "Holy Spirit" led by Steve Kell " in Rm. 204
New Class -> "A Class for Parents" led by Josh Eason in Rm. 210
10:00 am - In-person and online worship
Wednesday, October 16
7:00 pm - Celebrate Recovery
New class - "The Art & Practice of Spiritual Sight" in The Commons
Student Ministry Midweek Meetup in The Lounge
Sunday, October 20
9:00 am - Bible Classes:
"Following Jesus" in Rm. 103
New Class -> "Holy Spirit" led by Steve Kell " in Rm. 204
New Class -> "A Class for Parents" led by Josh Eason in Rm. 210
10:00 am - In-person and online worship
Wednesday, October 23
7:00 pm - Celebrate Recovery
New class - "The Art & Practice of Spiritual Sight" in The Commons
Student Ministry Midweek Meetup in The Lounge
Sunday, October 27
9:00 am - Bible Classes:
"Following Jesus" in Rm. 103
"Holy Spirit" led by Steve Kell " in Rm. 204
"A Class for Parents" led by Josh Eason in Rm. 210
10:00 am - In-person and online worship
5-7 pm - Fall Festival 2024
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